To Wear a Mask?


Things are wild again, I hear ya! Yes, we are still wearing masks for the entire class and while indoors together. Some in-person classes may shift outside behind the studio if the weather allows. Thank you for being mindful and respectful of each other, for the communication and conversation- I am so grateful for this community! Please reach out any time if you have questions or concerns xoxo Alicia


Wildfires, Covid, Inversions, Oh My! A few thoughts about wearing masks...

I know, wearing a mask is a drag, I don’t love it either. Aaaaand…  I’d like to offer a few thoughts about why wearing a mask right now might be a really good idea:

Masks have become a hot-topic lately and it’s not always a clear choice, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 numbers continue to climb and the longer this pandemic drags on, the more data we have for how infections are affecting pregnant people. I know you have to make your own decisions about vaccines and masking, but please review the information below and consider taking action that will increase the protection for you and your baby:

If you are pregnant right now, it’s reasonable to expect that you’ll be required to wear a mask during labor. Hospitals are requiring masks for everyone- including the birthing person (at this time- Fall 2021) Each hospital will have its own set of rules/flexibility for this, but why not get a little practice beforehand? Wearing a mask while you’re in class is a great way to get used to how it might feel during big physical effort and using breathing techniques with a mask on. It’s not a terrible idea:) 

And- if you live here in Utah- there is another very compelling reason to wear a mask often: Poor Air Quality. This summer has been rough, hot temperatures and LOTS of smoke from wildfires in the air. Additionally, we are headed back into “Inversion Season”. I’m surprised at the lack of conversation about this, particularly as it relates to the pregnant population. Here are a couple of articles that highlight the impact of poor air quality on birth outcomes. 

Ok! Heavy topic, and it’s not my style to scare people or cause any additional worry or stress. However, I believe that this is really important… Having a baby is a big deal. There are so many things to consider and plan for, so why not eliminate some of the risk and give yourself and your baby a better chance for good outcomes? 

I’m doing my best to keep the studio space safe: The HVAC is running on recycle/refresh program and I’m running a high-capacity HEPA filter as well. I encourage you to wear a mask as an additional layer of prevention and protection. Not just during class, but as often as you can! I want you to be safe, healthy and happy… XO